A Rainy Morning ” Poem by Ankush Anand
In the Morning, In the Frost,
There seems to something I have lost,
Walking on the Road, Somewhere I Stopped,
Something was Near my Steps, Someone had Dropped,
From Another World, A Drop fell on my Palm,
I Turned around for Owner, But absence made me Calm,
I picked up the Page, and Unfolded it Properly,
Wet it was But what it Mean I could See,
I haven’t Written it, Nor it Belonged to Me,
But Everything it Said, was About Me My Eyes Made Me Feel,
The Rain was over but had made the Earth Wet,
SUN rays then Reached on it making clouds Neglet,
From wet Surface of EARTH, vapours started to Upwell,
There is Something Mysterious I Guessed, Nature Wants to Tell,
Already I was Suprised But Then More it made Me,
The WORDS were appearing itself on page, I could See,
Thoughts Ran in My Mind and then I came to know,
It was what I am Thinking, The Holy Page wants to Show,
Then That Page in My Hand Also Turned into Smocky Vapours,
Red Ink on it and everything, Got Mixed with all its Makers,
I looked on his EARTH then in the Sky on her SUN,
This EARTH still Blossems Flowers & Sun Still Shines
I Smiled and Proceeded Further, Recalling My Friend’s Lines,
“If This Story Ends Unfinished, Dear Friend Don’t Regret,
The Most Real Love Stories in this World Are Always Incomplete..”
Their Story is Unfinished but it still Says Us Something,
With Sun, Earth and The Frost, In A RAINY MORNING …
© Ankush Anand
Neha says
Mesmerizing lines
Ankush Anand says